About us

About us

The Austrian Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science was founded in 1976 and looks back on a long history of supporting and promoting the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rechovot, Israel. Our association pursues a clear purpose: the idealistic and financial support of the scientific tasks and work of the renowned research institute.

Our mission

We are passionate about promoting cutting-edge and basic research and international exchange. Our activities range from organising lectures, supporting research projects and publications to promoting the exchange of scientists and students. We attach great importance to intensive co-operation with Austrian universities and research institutions.

Focus on non-profit status

The Austrian Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science is a non-profit organisation. We believe in the transformative power of science and are committed to making a sustainable contribution to engaging supporters through our activities to promote the research work of the Weizmann Institute.

Together for the future

Our community consists of dedicated members, including Nobel laureates, who share the vision of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Together we are shaping a future in which science lays the foundations for a better world.

About the Weizmann Institute of Science

The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world's leading research institutions. It comprises more than 250 experimental and theoretical research groups across five faculties—Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Physics. The Institute proved its scientific excellence once again when Prof Ada Yonath was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009 for her studies on the structure and function of the ribosome.

Commitment to scientific education

Research and teaching go hand in hand at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The Institute's scientists are actively involved in promoting science education, whether through the development of innovative curricula, training for teachers or special programmes designed to inspire young people for the world of science. The Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence International Summer Science Institute (ISSI) offers young people the opportunity to participate in high-calibre research projects and to deepen their enthusiasm for science.

Board of Directors

Funktionsperiode: 18.6.2024 – 17.6.2026

RA Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz (Chairman)

Prof. Dr. Harald Posch (Deputy Chairman)

Priv. Doz. Dr. Peter Knoll (Deputy Chairman)

Johannes Höhrhan (Treasurer)

Dr. Jürgen Brandstätter (Deputy Treasurer)