
Österreichische Gesellschaft der Freunde des Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

c/o Pitkowitz Foerster Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Schwarzenbergplatz 3

1010 Vienna | Austria




1 Fundamentals

1.1 The Austrian Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science ("Weizmann Austria") processes personal data in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations.

1.2 This privacy policy is addressed to all visitors of the website.


2 What is the purpose of this privacy policy?

2.1 This privacy policy serves to fulfil the information obligations standardized in the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").


3 What categories of personal data are processed? Where does this personal data come from?

3.1 Weizmann Austria collects data about every access to the website (so-called server log files). This includes: the name of the website accessed, the date, the time, the amount of data transferred, the browser type and version, the user's operating system, the referrer URL (the previously visited page), the IP address and the requesting provider.


4 For what purpose and on what legal basis is the personal data processed?

4.1 Weizmann Austria uses this data only for statistical purposes in the interests of its association operations, security and the optimization of its website. Weizmann Austria reserves the right to use this data to investigate any unlawful use of its services and to protect the legitimate interests of Weizmann Austria.

4.2 The legal basis for this follows from the relevant data protection regulations, in particular Art. 6 para. 1 (in some cases also Art. 9 para. 2 and Art. 10) GDPR.


5 Is the personal data transferred to other recipients?

5.1 Within Weizmann Austria, personal data will only be processed by those persons who are involved in the fulfillment of the above-mentioned purposes.

5.2 In principle, personal data will not be transferred to recipients outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, unless this is necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes.


6 How long will the personal data be stored?

6.1 In principle, Weizmann Austria only processes personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes. Personal data that is required to defend against any liability claims will be stored for as long as it is required for this purpose.


7 Is the personal data used for automated decision-making?

7.1 Weizmann Austria does not use personal data for automated decision-making.


8 What rights do data subjects have with regard to the processing of personal data?

8.1 Data subjects have the right to information, correction and deletion of their personal data within the framework of the legal requirements. Furthermore, they have the right - within the framework of the legal requirements - to restrict processing, to object to processing and to data portability. Requests in this regard should be sent to the e-mail address

8.2 If data subjects believe that the processing of their personal data violates applicable data protection regulations, they may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

8.3 If Weizmann Austria has obtained the consent of the data subjects for certain processing operations, the data subjects may withdraw this consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Requests in this regard should be sent to the e-mail address


9 Further information for visitors to the website

9.1 What additional categories of personal data are processed from visitors to this website? Where does this personal data come from?

9.1.1 Weizmann Austria processes the personal data actively transmitted by the website visitor (e.g. those that the website visitor enters in contact forms on the website) and those personal data that are automatically generated during a website visit (e.g. IP address, browser data, etc.).

9.2 For what purpose and on what legal basis is this personal data processed?

9.2.1 Weizmann Austria processes this personal data for the purpose of the technical functionality of the website and the optimization of the website in terms of system performance, user-friendliness and content. With regard to contact forms, Weizmann Austria processes the personal data in order to contact the website visitor in accordance with their wishes (e.g. with regard to registration for the newsletter).

9.2.2 The legal bases for this are, in particular, the protection of Weizmann Austria's legitimate interests in the functionality and optimization of the website and the consent of the website visitor (e.g. for the setting of cookies that collect personal data; see point 9.5).

9.3 Will the personal data be transferred to other recipients?

9.3.1 The personal data may be transmitted to other recipients, such as the provider or provider of analysis tools for the optimization of the website, insofar as the above-mentioned purposes require it.

9.3.2 Within Weizmann Austria, personal data will only be processed by those persons who are involved in the fulfillment of the above-mentioned purposes. All these persons are contractually bound to confidentiality.

9.4 Newsletter

9.4.1 If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, we require your name and a valid e-mail address as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided. No further data is collected. This data will only be used for the newsletter and will not be passed on to third parties.

9.4.2 Wenn Sie sich für den Newsletter anmelden, speichern wir Ihre IP-Adresse und das Datum Ihrer Anmeldung. Die Erhebung dieser Daten dient ausschließlich dem Nachweis für den Fall, dass ein Dritter Ihre E-Mail-Adresse missbraucht und sich ohne Ihre Einwilligung für den Newsletter anmeldet. Rechtsgrundlage für diese Datenverarbeitung ist Artikel 6 Absatz 1 Buchstabe a) DSGVO.

9.4.3 You can revoke your consent to the collection of data, the e-mail address and its use for sending the newsletter at any time by sending a message to

9.5 Cookies

9.5.1 The website uses "cookies" to make the service more user-friendly, effective and secure.

9.5.2 A "cookie" is a small text file that is transmitted via the Weizmann Austria web server to the cookie file of the browser on the website visitor's end device. This enables the Weizmann Austria website to recognize the website visitor as a user when a connection is established between the Weizmann Austria web server and the website visitor's browser. Cookies help Weizmann Österreich to determine the frequency of use and the number of users of the website. The content of the cookies used by Weizmann Österreich is limited to an identification number that can no longer be traced back to the website visitor.

9.5.3 Two types of cookies are used on this website:

9.5.4 Session Cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of the website visitor's browser until they leave the website and are automatically deleted at the end of the website visit.

9.5.5 Persistent cookies: For a better user experience, cookies remain stored on the website visitor's end device and allow Weizmann Austria to recognize the website visitor's browser on the next visit.

9.5.6 Website visitors can set their browser so that they (i) are informed about the setting of cookies and only allow cookies in individual cases, (ii) exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general and (iii) activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of this website may be restricted.

9.5.7 Cookies that are required either (i) to carry out the transmission of a message over an electronic communications network or (ii) to provide a service that is expressly requested may legally be used without the consent of the website visitor.

9.5.8 Insofar as cookies are used for purposes other than these two purposes (e.g. cookies for analyzing the surfing behavior of the website visitor), Weizmann Austria obtains the consent of the website visitor. The website visitor can, but does not have to, give his/her consent to the use of such cookies; this is done on a voluntary basis. Website visitors can also withdraw their consent at any time by changing their browser settings (to disallow cookies). However, Weizmann Austria would like to point out that this may limit the functionality of the website and that the website visitor may then not be able to use it to its full extent.

9.6 Server log files

9.6.1 In order to optimize this website in terms of system performance, user-friendliness and the provision of useful information about Weizmann Austria, the website provider automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which are automatically transmitted by the website visitor's browser. This includes the internet protocol address (IP address), information about the browser used, operating system, referrer URL, internet service provider, amount of data transferred, loading time and date and time of access.

9.6.2 This data will not be merged with other personal data.

9.7 Akismet

9.7.1 We use the Akismet anti-spam service from Automattic, Inc. 132 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, to separate spam from normal user comments. The comment and/or contact data is sent to and processed by Akismet exclusively for this purpose. Akismet stores the data for up to 4 days; if the comment is classified as spam, the data is stored for longer. The stored data includes name, e-mail address, IP address, the text of the comment, the referrer, information about the browser and computer system used and the time of the entry.

9.7.2 Akismet does not store comment data permanently on its servers unless a comment has been flagged as false-positive, in which case Akismet will store the data long enough to use it to improve the service and prevent future false-positive comments. You can use a pseudonym for your name and e-mail address. You can prevent the transfer of data to the USA altogether if you do not use our comment system. That would be a shame, but unfortunately we don't see any other alternative that works just as effectively.

Further information can be found in Akismet's privacy policy.


10 Changes to the privacy policy

10.1 Weizmann Austria reserves the right to update the privacy policy if necessary. The current version of the privacy policy is available at zu finden.